Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Image - Generation Y

I really like this image because of the bold, sophisticated, warm colours. It has a nice contrast and the good lighting near enough erases any blemishes, though this image has been edited using Picasa 3, I will upload the un-edited photo’s and talk about them later. I also like the way it emphasises the smoke coming out of David’s mouth and makes his and Victoria’s red lips stand out, making it quite eye-catchy.

It also quite a male dominated image, only David is looking at the camera whilst Zofia and Victoria are kissing his cheeks, therefore suggesting they look up to/admire him. It almost gives off a ‘pimp’ aspect – David gets all the girls. It has some degree of symmetry as he has a girl on both sides, and he himself is facing square onto the camera. It could be said that this creates some contrast to the lack of symmetry in his make-up.

I want my ‘Indie’ related magazine to back up Media’s portrayal of the ‘Generation Y’ theory. Upon researching Generation Y I came across an article ‘Generation Y: Love Them or Lose Them’ which quotes “Its members, born between 1982 and 1994, are known for their sense of entitlement, outspokenness, inability to take criticism, and technological sophistication.” Generation Y is basically made up of rebellious teenagers wanting to be controversial and stand out against society, also linking to the ‘Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Roll’ motto. My magazine will support this image of teenagers and young adults rebelling and standing out, as they are my target audience.

I think this image is good for backing up this generation, as it has captured David blowing out smoke, which could either be suggested as normal cigarette smoke or it could be from a spliff. This could portray him as being more dangerous and daring. Also, the background colour is a humble green, which could also be linked to drugs – ‘green’, weed – therefore backing up the drugs aspect of the ‘Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Roll’ motto.

He also looks a bit rough and rouged, with his controversial make-up and the fact that he’s topless. This might also add ‘sex-appeal’ to the female readers. Also he has two girls flanking him and kissing his cheeks, implying that he gets his way with girls and could potentially be quite the womaniser, which could add to not only the ‘sex appeal’ but the whole ‘badman’ exterior. This is all backing up sex aspect of the SDRnR motto (‘Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Roll’).
And quite obviously he’s in a band as this is the main feature, which the readers will be able to tell is going to be a rock/indie band from the cover of the magazine, covering the last aspect of Rock ‘n’ Roll of the motto.

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